The Shout: July 12th, 2001

The Shout

A Word For the Diehards

I love diehard soccer fans. They cheer their chosen side(s) on in both victory and defeat. They create the soccer atmosphere that is typical for most European stadiums. A solid core of fans that love the game, and above all, love the club backs every great team. They are the ones with the scarves. They are the ones who have to have the kit. They are the ones who tailgate. Ever since MLS started, diehard fans have popped up in support of clubs. In New England, we are fortunate to have one of (if not the) best group of diehards in MLS. Now the question becomes: why does the Revolution shaft these diehards? Well, when you come down to it, money is the key.

The Revolution diehards (including, but not limited to, the Midnight Riders, Rev Army, and the 12th Man) do not make up the majority of the Revolution season ticket holders. In fact, they make up a distinct minority of the club's ticket base. That is why most of your diehard fans can be located in an end zone with a crappy view. Yes, they may get a slight ticket deal in return for their loyalty. However, they get plenty of crap from officials. It isn't easy being the second or third priority on the list.

It seems as if the Revolution have decided that the "atmosphere" must come from The Fort and nowhere else. Standing is not permitted in most sections, as most customers like to sit down. While this is only fair, as they pay as well, it doesn't exactly encourage people to root and cheer on the home side. Drumming? Try the Fort. If you drum anywhere else, it's likely to get you moved there anyways. Chants? The Fort again, because the rest of the stadium is too spread out to simulate half the feel of the Fort. And whatever you do, don't even contemplate flares. That will probably earn you a night in a lovely Foxboro jail cell.

The parking lot issues always seem to rear their ugly heads. To their credit, the Revolution brass has gotten better as the years have passed. However, such incidents do occur. There was the infamous "MLS CUP incident" which drove our beloved POCM editors from the ranks of fanzine owners (among other diverse issues such as the refusal to be allowed to sell their fanzine, but that's for another time and place.). The tailgate area is changed on a seasonal basis, as the brass never seems to recognize that one spot would be quite nice. Then again, there are the ignorant security instances, such as last week. The Riders were a) told that bottles were not welcome in the parking lot (going against what management had previously stated) and b) told that they should leave the parking lot as soon as the brake lights had dimmed. This is not the way to treat your fans.

With all of that being said, the attitudes of some have amazed me. "I won't support the club anymore" has been a somewhat common refrain from a select minority over the past two weeks. To these people, I say this: Is your love for the club management? Or is it for the players who (usually) sweat and bleed for its colors? If you're a diehard, it's likely for the second. So, why then do we even contemplate deserting the closest club we have to top-flight football? Sure, the Revs are not the most successful club. However, they are a club that usually makes us proud that we wear its colors. If you're going to let stadium security turn you off from your club, then what kind of fan are you? No, the club isn't worth getting arrested. However, the players aren't the ones telling you to find plastic cups. They don't tell you to stop drumming. Vent your frustrations on the board all you want. Just don't desert the players.